House Painting in Edmonton

Leave the hard work up to us

Frequently asked questions about painting for residential or commercial painting in Edmonton Alberta.

How much paint do I need for a 3000 sq ft house?

How much paint do I need for a 3000 sq ft house

How Much Paint Is Required For A 3000 Square Foot House? Painting your home’s exterior is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task. However, it can be made easier if you know how much paint you’ll need for the job. In this blog post, we’ll go over how much paint is needed to cover a 3000-square-foot home, […]

How much paint do I need for a 1600 sq ft house?

How much paint do I need for a 1600 sq ft house

How Much Paint Is Required To Cover A 1600 Square Foot House? There are a few things to keep in mind when painting a house. First, you must determine the house’s square footage. This will assist you in calculating how much paint you will require. Second, you must choose the type of paint you intend […]

How much does 5 gallons paint cover?

How much does 5 gallons paint cover

5 Gallons Of Paint Covers How Much Ground? If you’re planning on painting your home, it’s essential to know how much paint you’ll need to purchase. One gallon of paint typically covers 350 to 400 square feet of area. Using the same calculation, you can safely say that 5 gallons will effectively cover 2,000 square […]