House Painting in Edmonton

Leave the hard work up to us

Frequently asked questions about painting for residential or commercial painting in Edmonton Alberta.

House Paining in Edmonton

Professional Residential and Commercial Painting Company in Edmonton Alberta.

How much does it cost to hire a painter in Edmonton?

A fresh coat of paint can do wonders for your home or business, but before you decide to break out the paintbrush and get to work yourself, it’s important to consider how much money it might cost to hire a professional painter. Understanding the cost of hiring a professional painter in Edmonton is key to deciding if it’s worth doing the job yourself or if paying someone else is the more economical decision. Let’s take a look at what you need to know about painters in Edmonton and their hourly rates.

Average Hourly Rates for Painters in Edmonton
The average hourly rate for painters in Edmonton is $21-25 per hour. The actual rate you pay may be higher or lower depending on the size and scope of your project, as well as the type of paint you choose. Most companies will charge an 8-hour workday fee of $600-$2,000 which includes materials and rental equipment. For smaller jobs such as painting one room or touch-ups, many painters will charge by the hour instead of quoting a flat fee. When it comes to larger projects like repainting a house or painting new construction, companies usually quote prices based on square footage instead.

Additional Costs for Painters in Edmonton
You may also have additional costs associated with hiring a painter that is not included in their hourly rates such as travel fees and disposal charges for unused materials and equipment. It’s also important to note that some paints are more expensive than others so make sure you factor this into your budget when comparing quotes from different companies. Additionally, some painters might offer discounts if they are able to buy supplies in bulk or if they have extra supplies left over from another project they recently completed. It never hurts to ask!

As we can see, the cost of hiring a painter in Edmonton is quite reasonable compared with many other cities across Canada. Painters generally charge an hourly rate between $21-25 per hour with most companies quoting an 8-hour workday fee between $600-$2,000 which includes materials and rental equipment. Depending on the size and scope of your project, there may also be additional costs associated with hiring a painter such as travel fees and disposal charges for unused materials and equipment so make sure you factor these into your budget when comparing quotes from different companies. In general, it is definitely worth considering hiring a professional painter rather than attempting the job yourself because their expertise guarantees quality results that will last for years!

How much do painters charge per hour in Edmonton